Avatar: a movable image that represents a person in a virtual reality environment or in cyberspace *
Click "play" to meet my avatar.
The real me is messy, and temperamental, and overbooked, and undisciplined, and, and, and . . . real.
But it's nice to pretend for a little while, to escape, before returning to the world that cannot be contained in two dimensions but is a fully-relational matrix of responsibilities, commitments, and interests. My 2-D self lies devoid of its own volition, waiting for you to click on the "play" icon, but my 3-D self can be self-actuating, when it chooses.
And I choose.
To be self-actuating, that is. That is who I am, except when I'm amusing myself creating digital dolls for no better reason than it was fun.
Which it was, once I "redesigned" myself, because, in the break from reality, I had to focus some on how I wish others to see me.
I think I have some changes to make.
So, I think I'll play digital-dress-up once in a while, when the real me is feeling a bit 2-D. Somehow, the 2-D me helps the 3-D me to see myself more clearly.
Won't you come along with me?
*avatar. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from Dictionary.com website:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/avatar
Click "play" to meet my avatar.
The real me is messy, and temperamental, and overbooked, and undisciplined, and, and, and . . . real.
But it's nice to pretend for a little while, to escape, before returning to the world that cannot be contained in two dimensions but is a fully-relational matrix of responsibilities, commitments, and interests. My 2-D self lies devoid of its own volition, waiting for you to click on the "play" icon, but my 3-D self can be self-actuating, when it chooses.
And I choose.
To be self-actuating, that is. That is who I am, except when I'm amusing myself creating digital dolls for no better reason than it was fun.
Which it was, once I "redesigned" myself, because, in the break from reality, I had to focus some on how I wish others to see me.
I think I have some changes to make.
So, I think I'll play digital-dress-up once in a while, when the real me is feeling a bit 2-D. Somehow, the 2-D me helps the 3-D me to see myself more clearly.
Won't you come along with me?
*avatar. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved September 21, 2012, from Dictionary.com website:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/avatar