Friday, June 1, 2012

Rainy Day Plan

It was supposed to rain today, so I gave myself the day off.  Yes.  Really.  I did.  Unfortunately, the rain did not arrive until mid-afternoon, so I burned a lot of daylight.  I have a plan, however, and, for once, I plan to follow it!

My "should do" list is very long:
  1. clean off the kitchen table
  2. cook supper
  3. vacuum
  4. dust 
  5. plant 50 pepper plants
  6. plant 2 rows of beans
  7. finish reading Gardening With Heirloom Seeds
  8. update blogs/web pages
  9. clean up office
Now there's a full day.  I would feel very proud of myself after completing all these tasks.  But, I'm taking the day off, so here's what I actually have done:

  1. finish reading Gardening With Heirloom Seeds
  2. write Heirloom Seeds review
  3. watch the hummingbirds squabble over the feeders (we have 4)
  4. eat all but one of the brownies in the freezer
  5. work on web pages
  6. lounge around like a lizard *
*I dedicated a lot of the day to this!

I should really feel bad about it, but I don't.  It's been a crazy month, with weekends filled, weeknights jam-packed, leaving little time for rest.  So, I'm giving myself permission to take the day off, at least until my DH gets home.

I've enjoyed the day--no television, really, except to check on the weather; munching when I felt like it; napping when I felt like it, enjoying the sound of the bobwhites and meadowlarks, just doing nothing.  Tomorrow, I may regret it, but I'd like to think that I'm recharging so that I can charge into tomorrow with renewed strength.

That's what I'm telling myself.  So, tomorrow I'm planting 50 pepper plants, and sowing 2 rows of beans, and . . .

What's happening in your world?


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